I make things. Cofounder of Innersloth. Responsible for Henry Stickmin and Among Us.

Age 34

Design + Animation


Joined on 12/14/07

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PuffballsUnited's News

Posted by PuffballsUnited - March 7th, 2014

I feel really bad for not posting news here more often. I come to NG everyday! I tend to tell myself Ima post something, then I either forget or talk myself out of it. Well here is the news post finally!

What have I been up to? I've been doing two things:

1) Converting the Henry Stickmin series into apps avaiable on Android and iOs.

2) I've started making a game with a friend of mine.



I've been able to release Escaping the Prison (iOS / Android) and Stealing the Diamond(iOS / Android)! I know you can play them for free here but these versions have a few small fixes, and you can play them on the go! :D Infiltrating the Airship is also planned to be converted.



I guess this is the first time I'm really talking about this. I'm always scared to give away too much info but I think I'm going to embrace it more. Maybe even start a devblog of sorts. The game doesn't have a name yet (We've been calling it Ghost Game). It's top down and you fight enemies and stuff. You can also customize your weapon. I'm gonna link to my site PUFFBALLSUNITED.NET in hopes that people go there and to also motivate me to actually start using it! It's really just a simple tumblr site but that's pretty much all I need. Any advice for making it look better would be nice too! :D (Cuz I think it looks kinda meh)



I know some of you guys are prolly really waiting for news about this. I'll tell ya, I haven't been able to come up with any great ideas yet. I think if/when I do make another I'll want it to be the big finale! Infiltrating the Airship really pushed the boundaries of flash (at least on my computer) so I'll need to figure out a way to deal with that if I want it to be bigger (Maybe make it into multiple parts who knows..?)


So yep! I'm not dead, and I'm not inactive. I'm going to try and be better about posting here more often, both for news and for actual content. Once I finish converting Infiltrating the Airship I'm gonna try and do more short animations. Maybe parodies, maybe original things, who knows. Anyway, Thanks for reading this!


Here's a pic from the secret Ghost Game. It's nothing final by any means but just to give you something.



Posted by PuffballsUnited - May 27th, 2013

After working on this game since the beginning of September it's finally done! I spent a total of 378 hours on it, which is a lot more than I did on the last one. I hope you guys like it! :D
I should probably link to it haha

For some reason the wrong icon is showing though :(

EDIT: So I got daily 4th. I'm kinda surprised and pretty bummed about this actually.. I know it's just a pixel icon but it still sucks.. I feel like I got 0 bombed pretty hard because the score was at 4.20 and then suddenly it bombed to 3.82

Infiltrating the Airship is out now!


Posted by PuffballsUnited - April 29th, 2013

Well, Pico Day has come and gone and I have to say, it was an AMAZING experience! I met so many cool people and everyone there was REALLY nice!

The trip was pretty interesting, I took a red eye from Oregon so I arrived at Philly around 10am. My plan was to sleep on the plane but... that didn't really work out :\. By the time I got to the hotel to check in it was already 12.30 but I really couldn't go to the event without sleeping or I would've been dead and lame. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap right before heading over.

I was extremely nervous all the way up until I got there, but as soon as I arrived it all just melted away. I got to meet so many people! If I forget to mention you, I honestly didn't mean to. I met so many people and was slightly sleep deprived.

Swain. He was really nice and awesome to talk to! I've been a fan of his work for a long time (I even was wearing his Mastermind shirt) and it was really cool to meet him. He's also damned handsome.

Oney. He was really cool as well. Just told him I was a big fan of his stuff and he seemed pretty humble about it. He also took my picture at one point so that might end up somewhere online at some point.

Zach/Psychicpebbles. I wish I got to talk to him more but I kept missing my chances. He had an interesting conversation with Tyler that I really enjoyed listening to.

Tyler. He was one of the first people I met and was really friendly. We went up to the office and showed eachother our.. . .. games.

Tom Fulp. He was as nice as I imagined him to be. It was really cool to know that he knew my work and actually invited me to come down (Or over or whatever). I feel like I had a bunch of stuff to say to him and ask him but I just sorta forgot when I was in the moment.

Jonas. He was the second person I met. He was very welcoming and helped me feel right at home!

RicePirate. He was really insightful and has a lot of interesting things to say! I really admire his dedication to Newgrounds even though he's working a full time job as well. Wish I got a chance to talk to him more, I think I could learn a lot from him.

AfroNinja. I almost didn't meet him, finally introduced myself near the end of the day. Really cool guy and it was cool to know he'd played one of my games.

JohnnyUtah. Really funny guy! It was fun to listen to him and Swain reminisce about Ching Chong Beautiful.

Luis. He's about as cool as everyone says! He told me he was a big fan of my work and that he was looking forward to meeting me. That was really cool to hear! He gave me a big ol hug before I left.

Stamper. Super nice dude! Didn't get to talk to him toooo much but he made me feel right at home there!

Ukinojoe. He was really cool and I ended up accompanying him and a couple others back to the hotel.

Fbipolux. He was really nice! Didn't talk to him too much but he recognized some of my work so that made me happy!

Emrox, Pjorg + Manly Chicken. I got to see them for a bit but I didn't really get a chance to talk to them unfortunately. I forget what happened. I met them along with a bunch of other people at the same time and then just lost them I guess.

Zanzlanz. He was the very first person I talked to. He knew my work which was awesome and said he was looking forward to seeing more. He was gonna ask me a question but I think he got cut off and never got a chance to ask it. I'm sorry :( Feel free to PM me if you'd like (If you end up reading this)!

Fungasm. I met him but didn't get a chance to talk much. This was around the time I was starting to crash from being tired.

Chakra-X (Sp?). Really friendly guy! Had a nice discussion with him about future plans and the possibilities of making a living off your own work.

Krinkles. Real nice guy! You can tell he really cares about Newgrounds. Told me that I was his friend because I'm on Newgrounds. It was cool to meet the guy that's made such a popular series!

Evil-Dog. Talked to him for a bit. He seemed real nice, which I had talked to him more.

Rig. He was really nice! Talked to him a couple times. Told him I liked his music. He got excited when he heard one of his songs playing on the playlist that was going.

Timmy. He was really friendly. We didn't talk that much though.

There were a bunch of people that I met briefly as well but I didn't really get to talk to them much..

Paul, Nick and Josh from the Continue Show. I was extremely surprised to see these guys here. They were all really nice and pretty much exactly like they are on the show. Really funny dudes, it's almost like they don't even have to try to be funny.

Again, if I forgot you, I'm really sorry. I blame sleep deprivation and being overwhelmed by new faces.

Overall it was a fantastic experience and I really hope it keeps happening for years to come! I've definitely become inspired to finish working on my game and even collaborating with other Newgrounders! I think if I get invited next year I'll try and get more sleep so I am more talkative! I wish I had taken some pictures while I was there but it completely slipped my mind!

tl;dr It was fun.


Posted by PuffballsUnited - April 8th, 2013

Hi! It's been almost a year since I posted here, sorry.. I kept telling myself I'd do it but then I'd get distracted. Anyway, got some news here for ya.

First off, I've been working on the sequel to Stealing the Diamond for the past 4 months (actually more but since the start of this year I've been pretty on it about working every day). If you follow me on Twitter you probably know all this. The sequel is going to be called..
Infiltrating the Airship

I'm about 75% done with it and the fail count is at 50 and I'm shooting for 60 or 62 (Can't have it be a filthy odd number) EDIT, just realized 61 is a prime number which makes it even worse! As for a release date, I'm hoping to get it released sometime in May. I've made some timelapse videos of different parts of the game. Here's one of the title screen being made.

In other exciting news, I got invited to Pico day and I've booked a flight I'm going!! I'm really excited (But also quite nervous) to meet everyone at NG and of course all the animators, artists, programmers, musicians and the rest that are going. I used to watch the steam in years past and wonder what it would be like to be there with everyone, and now I'm going to find out!

So yeah,
Stealing the Diamond 2 = Infiltrating the Airship
Pico day, I am going

Well hope I didn't forget anything.


Posted by PuffballsUnited - July 2nd, 2012

Hey guys! I haven't forgotten about you. I've just been... We'll say busy (read: Gaming). Well I DID graduate college so I guess that counts for something. ANYHOW, the point of this newspost is to update on what I'm planning on being up to.
I've settled on an idea for the next episode of the Henry Stickmin series. Can't tell you much more than that yet :p
I plan on making my own website. Just need to learn how... sorta.. I don't want to make a crappy one.
I put up some notes from my notebook when I was coming up with ideas for Stealing the Diamond (And Escaping the Prison too) Here are the links to that if you're interested.
Escaping the Prison
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Stealing the Diamond
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4 (Contains Medal Spoilers)
Let me know if you actually found the notes useful or interesting :)
I'll try and keep my NG page updated more frequently than I have been. I you're REALLY intertested you can follow me on twitter :)

It's  been a while..


Posted by PuffballsUnited - January 9th, 2012

Hey there! It's been a while since I've posted something on here, or anywhere for that matter. I haven't been up to much since releasing Stealing the Diamond. But that's gonna change this year! I've made it my New Years resolution to make sure I work on a project at least 1-2 hours everyday. I was doing this when I was nearing the end of production on Stealing the Diamond and I found it worked quite well.

As for projects I've got a few that I'm working on. One is an Animal Crossing Parody. I've hit a bit of a rut though because I haven't decided on the art style I want to use yet. When I get around to working on it more I'll prolly need a voice actor, so if you're a voice actor, keep your eyes peeled for that.

The other project I've been working on is kind of hard to explain. It's sort of like a game but it's played in a different way. I'm actually looking for some help with this one. I'll need small short animated clips that would demonstrate parts of the game. If your'e interested in helping send me a PM and I can fill you in with more detail.

I'd like to get more involved with Newgrounds this year. I feel like I've drifted away a bit this year which is sad because I really like this place! With the redesign being promised to launch this year I get the feeling it's gonna be another great year here. If the timing of the next game jam is good I think I'll participate in that. Or if I find a collab that interests me I'll join that one.

Well that's the update from me. Have a good one people!


Posted by PuffballsUnited - July 18th, 2011

First off, just want to say, thanks for the overwhelming reception of Stealing the Diamond! Set a new personal record of 4.67, which made my day!

First things first, will there be another one in the series? Short answer: yes. I'll make another eventually. I started Stealing the Diamond last October and I'm not really feeling like starting another huge project yet.

The next things I'll make will probably be a few short parodies of different games. I've had the ideas sitting in my head for a while and I feel like making something smaller. After that it's time for me to start working on the series that I've wanted to make since I started on Newgrounds. I've been waiting until I had enough skill to make them decent and now I think I've made it to that point.

I also want to get more involved in different Newgrounds events like Pico Day, Robot Day etc. Maybe even participate in one of the game jams. Each time something has come up I've either been busy on Stealing the Diamond or it's been a bad weekend to participate in the game jam. I'm also trying to start voice acting for others now. I need to make a new voice reel. I've never voice acted for other people's projects before but I think it'd be cool!

Finally, I'm going on vacation for a month tomorrow so I may not be on the internets as often as normal. This'll give me a nice break so when I get back I'm feelin' fresh and ready to animate.

So yeah, thanks for all the support! I'd be nothing without the people that like watching/playing what I make.

pic unrelated

What's Next from Me?


Posted by PuffballsUnited - July 8th, 2011

It's finally out! Stealing the Diamond is in the portal! If you don't know it's the sequel to Escaping the Prison. Go play it! Let me know what you think, what your favorite fail was, what your favorite ending was etc!

Some fun facts:
I spent 200.5 hours working on this game (That about 8 days).
I started working on it on October 11th.

Ok these aren't actually that FUN of facts. But still,

Stealing the Diamond! (Escaping the Prison sequel)


Posted by PuffballsUnited - June 17th, 2011

Alright, so with the summer here, I should be having more time to work on Flash (If my motivation holds from day to day). I've been working pretty steadily everyday this week.
My GOAL (read: time I HOPE to be done but not guaranteed to happen) is to finish Stealing the Diamond by the middle of July. I've only got three fails left and then some touch up stuff. There's also some rather long transitional scene that aren't accounted for with those three fails.

The one thing I am worried about is Flash doing something lame like running out of memory or something. The game takes 2.5 minutes to export (Without all the music) and it takes anywhere from 3-20 seconds to save depending on what I've worked on.

That said, I'm very excited to finish this huge project. I'm excited to see what people think about it! So far it's got twice as many options as Escaping the Prison.

That's all I can think of at the moment. If you want more frequent updates, follow me on twitter!


Posted by PuffballsUnited - April 28th, 2011

(In case you didn't know Stealing the Diamond is the sequel to Escaping the Prison)
Just thought I'd throw out an update since it's been a while. Progress is going strong. If I work hard I should be able to finish the second of three endings this weekend.

For those of you wondering when it'll be complete, I... Don't know. I'll tell you that my goal is to finish it by the end of the school year (Early June) but don't hold me to it. School and video games tend to get in the way (And I've been itching to get Portal 2).

Also, if you want more frequent updates you can follow me on Twitter(That's right I'm gonna keep mentioning this)

Oh also, here's a little fun thing I just did. This should keep you occupied until the actual game comes out.

Stealing the Diamond Update