Alright, so with the summer here, I should be having more time to work on Flash (If my motivation holds from day to day). I've been working pretty steadily everyday this week.
My GOAL (read: time I HOPE to be done but not guaranteed to happen) is to finish Stealing the Diamond by the middle of July. I've only got three fails left and then some touch up stuff. There's also some rather long transitional scene that aren't accounted for with those three fails.
The one thing I am worried about is Flash doing something lame like running out of memory or something. The game takes 2.5 minutes to export (Without all the music) and it takes anywhere from 3-20 seconds to save depending on what I've worked on.
That said, I'm very excited to finish this huge project. I'm excited to see what people think about it! So far it's got twice as many options as Escaping the Prison.
That's all I can think of at the moment. If you want more frequent updates, follow me on twitter!
Hey man, I wish you good luck throughout the rest of the project, you sound like your working very hard at it.
I can't wait to see it, you have defiantly a good passion for your animating.
Look out for my review when its done!
Your fan,
I will indeed look for it.