It's time for another update! If you're not aware I'm working on remastering the old Henry games, as well as making one final game in the series. It's planned to be released on Steam. You can get more details here. In terms of progress, I've made it all the way to Fleeing the Complex now. FtC is much faster to remaster cuz it doesn't need as much work. This means I should be able to start the new game soon, which makes me really excited! Now I wanna show some more side-by-side comparisons cuz I think they're fun! :D
Some rooms in ItA got complete redesigns. This is one of the bigger ones.
Apparently safety was no concern to the Toppat Clan back in the day.
Did you know? Snow is infact not gray. Also the background has paralax now but you can't see that in a still picture. Also you get to see the new skip button design.
It's amazing what a bit of color will do.
Even though it's the newest one, some of the backgrounds might still get a slight touch up.
And here's a bonus image from Infiltrating the Airship. It's the sketch layer of one of the redesigned rooms, maybe you can guess which one?
As usual, some of these images have already been posted on Twitter so if you follow me there you would've seen them earlier!
Finally a new update! I can't wait for the 6th game to come out!!!
Hopefully it'll be worth the weight.