I make things. Cofounder of Innersloth. Responsible for Henry Stickmin and Among Us.

Age 34

Design + Animation


Joined on 12/14/07

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Fleeing the Complex Status Report

Posted by PuffballsUnited - October 1st, 2015

Hey guys, just wanted to do an update here! In case you didn't know I'm making a sequel to Infiltrating the Airship called Fleeing the Complex! I recently finished the 4th ending out of 5! Here's some current stats on my progress:

46/60 Fails animated

4/5 Endings done

25.1MB filesize

412 Hours of work

0/?? Medals in the game


That means I have one ending and 14 fails left! (As well as adding medals, writing a few songs and making menus etc..)


Now I know all you are thinking is WHEN IS GAME BE OUT 4 ME PLAY?????? I'll just say this, I'm shooting for November. When in November I can't say until it gets closer and I know how much work is left. I'm super afraid to miss a deadline so I'm not gonna set one :)

And here's an edited picture from one of the endings to hold you over. Go on, soak it in.2240474_144372362833_Ending.png




...Police Detective?

Could it be? Maybe.

I read the title of your blog and thought your were gonna give us a really short, simple status report.

I should've just had it be all the numbers. Missed a golden opportunity..

412 hours? Impressive! I've never kept track of my hours on a project before. Maybe I should give that a try.
Do you also work a normal 40/hr job, and then do this in your spare time?

Making my own games has become my job! I've been pretty lucky to be able to do that. I do recommend keeping track of your hours. It's fun to see and can help you see your productivity. I also like to jot down what I got done each work session.

Glad to see another one is coming out. I thought it ended at the airship episode..well another great adventure with Henry is upcoming.

I never know if it's gonna be the last one or not.

Your such a tease with that screenshot. Anyway I don't mind how long you take to finish. I'd rather wait for a great game than getting a rushed game we get enough of them.

I don't like to reveal much :E

Waiting patiently for November :D keep up the great work dood.

Will do! Hopefully I can wrap this up soon!

Did Hank really went to the complex all by himself? Or he got caught and taken to the facility?

C'mon, release this game in a short time plz.

You will just have to wait

I'll aim for my 2000 medal in this game :)

What an honor

It looks awesome I take it pd stands for personal defector how's the game going I'm so excited please email me wen game comes out I don't have internet so I can't check my email is bjblascowicz@gmail.com cheers

I might be able to send you a msg when the game is done.


I can wait. AIM FOR THE MEDALS KIDDO!!!!!!!!!!

I've got some good ones planned ;D

Marcus have you updated da title screen since February.


Sorry to see this 2 days later, how big would the filesize be for the full game? Cos I am a geek of file size numbers. Anyway, take your time, a rushed game never comes out pretty, so good luck in this, you have our support and I will get all the medals when it comes out, so just you wait!

I'm not sure how big it will be. In the 30s maybe?

You adding Portal references? Cos I wanna see Chell in this one.

I can't remember. I don't think she'll make an appearance

Oh boy, I can't wait for this game! Hmm... I'll bet that doesn't even start with P and D... Its just one of those all caps text. Maybe its even only one word...
On a side note, I think I found some people who've stolen your Stealing the Diamond game for IOS on the app store. One of the developers even stole two games of yours. Its a real shame.

Ah yeah I get a few steals in the app stores. All you can do is report them and move on.

"pRANKd"? So it isn't coming out? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

It's coming out on the 12th! Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gTcaA1gBRE


Thanks will do!

There is gonna be about 12 Achievements... maybe? idk there is gonna be at least 6, im calling it, the only thing im certain though is that this is gonna be awesome! good luck with this! :D

I think it came out to like 18 or something.

Can you give me a notification once the game is done? Through email maybe? Email is hypershadic908@gmail.com, thanks!

Just check back here on the 12th

PD...p...d...HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... idk why, but im laughing about the endless possibilities. police detective...im winging it here saying puffed detective XD

Peanut Dutter.

What if it's rank PWNED. Like the fake ending in ItA

Could be

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