Hey guys, just wanted to do an update here! In case you didn't know I'm making a sequel to Infiltrating the Airship called Fleeing the Complex! I recently finished the 4th ending out of 5! Here's some current stats on my progress:
46/60 Fails animated
4/5 Endings done
25.1MB filesize
412 Hours of work
0/?? Medals in the game
That means I have one ending and 14 fails left! (As well as adding medals, writing a few songs and making menus etc..)
Now I know all you are thinking is WHEN IS GAME BE OUT 4 ME PLAY?????? I'll just say this, I'm shooting for November. When in November I can't say until it gets closer and I know how much work is left. I'm super afraid to miss a deadline so I'm not gonna set one :)
And here's an edited picture from one of the endings to hold you over. Go on, soak it in.
...Police Detective?
Could it be? Maybe.