I make things. Cofounder of Innersloth. Responsible for Henry Stickmin and Among Us.

Age 34

Design + Animation


Joined on 12/14/07

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4,268 / 4,440
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6.20 votes
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11y 8m 23d

what ending will ctm start from? convict allies, international rescue oprative, or the betrayed?

oh and or ghost inmate or presumed dead?

how many choices will there be in completing the mission? how many will be in the entire collection

also the guy in the last pic looks a bit like a star wars character

As long as I see Charles crashing into objects the game is 10/10

is it possible to pay the game with euros?

@SomeoneWithNoName 12.73 Euro's translates to 15 USD. Perhaps go to an international currency exchanger and give 12.73 euros for 15 USD.

what ending will ctm start from? convict allies, international rescue oprative, the betrayed, ghost inmate, or presumed dead?

All of them

Only a week!

Nice! :D

@imhugury What the heck are you talking about?

@TheGamer2207 You know the starting screen for ctm? Well btb never got a official one besides a stick figure and a big red button, same with escaping the prison I just wanted to see what they looked like

@imhugury Oh, Well I'm pretty sure they do.

Hello! I am a huge, HUGE fan! I literally got a newgrounds account because off all of the great content you have. I won't take up too much text space, but your games are the only games that make me REALLY laugh out loud. Thank you, for the Henry Stikmin series!

Thanks for the kind words!

@Nezt50 It's okay to make a long comment.

Only 6 days!

ive been watching some new vs old and i noticed something called ach. what does that mean?

Hey puffball. I love the series. I would like to know if wanted to translate the game to Spanish, since there is plenty of hispanic people like me who enjoyed this games a lot. If you wanted to, i would love to help you do this and i'd do it for free. I may not be great at English, but at least i can translate most of the stuff without a dictionary, i can also make the original jokes still funny or as catchy as in English, because that's a common problem on translation. I hope you can answer me, i love your work.

I am so hyped. I have got a few questions:
1. What can I do to apply for translating?
2. What do you plan to do next with this collection, once you are satisfied with the amount of translations in the game?
3. New/Restock stuff on merch when, and what is the website for it?
4. So far everything you've done is singleplayer. Do you plan on developing a multiplayer game in the future? Eg. "Among Us". Not necessarily related to the Henry Stickmin Series.
5. What are your thoughts about creating a card/board game? If it's possible, imo it's definitely worth the effort. Again, not necessarily Henry Stickmin related. Your bios look AWESOME, and it's something that is worth improving, doesn't matter if it'd go in the direction of a card/board game. But that's just my opinion.

P.S. Please give answers that have at least 10 words each. I can't stand short replies XD

@L-Skelton @PuffballsUnited @PuffballsUnited gonna do it anyway r/madlads

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