I make things. Cofounder of Innersloth. Responsible for Henry Stickmin and Among Us.

Age 34

Design + Animation


Joined on 12/14/07

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I hope there'll be a Sob Story option that Henry or Ellie uses.

We'll see

@RageShadow @PuffballsUnited just realised i may not have been clear enough, i meant that i don't want the betrayed storyline to just show Henry hitting the water and dying, before saying THE END or something like that. maybe you already knew what i meant, but i'm just making sure.


So wait will there be another game after this? like I mean from when you finish this game. except In FTC TB Doesn't Happen.Just Asking (P.S Your games are awesome)

Sigh... I'm working super hard on this game and still have a mountain of work in front of me. I'm not going to make another game in this series after Completing the Mission. This one will wrap up the series. I will continue to make games with Innersloth though. Games like Among Us.

Will there be a fake ending like in infiltrating the airship

Do you really want me to answer that question?

Will there be a fake ending like lighting quick larcenist


I betcha ya wont finish it


As a developer, what motivated you early on?

Will Ellie be in this game
she is cool

i got an idea in the new teleport option!: when henry use it, all the game style will be like in the first game style!

@elijahjang @PuffballsUnited so how does this work then?

@PuffballsUnited fair enough

I feel like I might know the answer to one of these, but I have a few questions:
1. Why does The Betrayed count as an Ending, and not a FAIL? Some fails end up better for Henry than this one (unless Henry really doensn't die).
2. In the choice of RPE/RBH + PD, will there be another quick-time game?
3. Will each of the 20 choices have its own unique mission? Or more than one for each? Or do the choices just affect the characters appearing?
4. In TB choice, will Ellie or Charles be the main character?
Of course, you don't have to answer these if you don't want to, but just excited for CtM!

1) It's an ending cuz it's a big plot point
2) There will be more QTEs, dunno if they're in that path or not
3) There's 20 choices?

Yes. And I would really think she should speak in this game or not.


@AshMonsty-2 @PuffballsUnited 20 choices: 4 in ItA x 5 in FtC

Doesn't seem right to me

Also, in ItA, in the LQL fail, do they send Henry back in or shoot him? It seems like a waste to shoot him in the fail scene.


@AshMonsty-2 @PuffballsUnited @PuffballsUnited I see two boxes above 'Launch'. Naturally, I would assume one is for the ending in Airship and the other for the ending in Complex. So, for each of the 4 possibilities in Airship, there are 5 Complex endings stemming from them. Not all make sense, notably GAPI+TB, but they appear to be allowed at the same time. So the 20 choices would be: GAPI+GI, GAPI+CA, GAPI+PD, GAPI+IRO, GAPI+TB, RBH+GI, etc.

Hmm that makes sense. But you're not 100% correct

What Does Ach and Bios Do?
Is Somekind of Germany Word

Est gibt zu viele beine.


release date? :hopeful:

Not this year

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