I make things. Cofounder of Innersloth. Responsible for Henry Stickmin and Among Us.

Age 34

Design + Animation


Joined on 12/14/07

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what does gaben stand for

which chaos center, the one with the divide by 0 or the one with gaben

Will you, or have you remade all the voices ?


Will it be like there are six separate games on Steam or one big game?

They will be one big game.

Thank you for everything. The games, the awesome soundtracks, the references, everything. I love the entire series and I can't wait to play this one<3 Thank you for improving my life, and making it fun. :D

(P.S. Is it OK for me to make a remix of dance Mr. Funnybone, to use in geometry dash? I just love that song too much, and I would love too. Of course, I understand if you say no:)

Hey man thanks for the kind words! Go for it!

Hey man :) The game should have secrets. Like a secret ending. And popular references! That's my suggestion :)

We'll see

@MikeErRor @PuffballsUnited You should make a game that is related to the story but its not about Henry. Its a different guy with a different story but its connected to Henry's Story :)

Nah I'm gonna be done with this style of game

@BrockstarN @PuffballsUnited You gotta be kidding with the release date man..

These things take time buddyboy

Was clicking the sun in the sneaky ending where Henry was "Presumed Dead"?

How can you click the sun at night?

Oh my gosh! Im so late to the new (sorta old) NEWS!!!! Also I never would have guessed thew name would be Completing the Mission! You also did a great job on the new (old) pics! Sorry Im late though. Can't wait! Holy cow this was made in May!!

glad you're still seeing it, and there's still plenty of time to go so you're not late haha

I’ve always been a fan but do you know when the Henry Stickmin Collection would be released? Or even a remake of one of them such as the remake of Breaking the Bank?

There's still a lot to do. It's going to be a while. They will all come out in one collection

Do you know when Completing the Mission would be released and the Henry Stickmin Collection? 2019? 2020?

I don't know.

BTW when you said you believed in me getting EVERY medal, well, I GOT THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!


@Kieran @PuffballsUnited just asking puffballs. do you know what website it will be on?

I have a bunch of links to all the news about the game(s) in this news post. But it will be on steam.

Was re-watching Fleeing the Complex and realised something. Charles said he's on a mission... Is it THE mission?

who knows

maybe not unless there is a 'time machine' option in completing the mission.
but I'm giving you a reaction! :D

Why would there need to be a time machine?

@MLGgamer59 @PuffballsUnited

Hey by the way would you make a big henry post on the 10th anniversery of BtB
(August 27th)?

Planning on it yeah

@elijahjang @PuffballsUnited ok thanks

I'm hyped for this as much as King K Rool, Ridley and Daisy in Smash.

Whoa what an honor!

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